Welcome to Moved by Web!
Build a Web site that exudes credibility and trust with your target audience.
We can help you in making the difference between a JUST web presence TO a BRILLIANT one.
Doesn’t matter what your business profile is, what you want to promote or what your strategy is,
most important of all …
your website has to inspire credibility, communicate clear the messages and of course to impress.
Our Services

Web Design
Build a Web site that exudes credibility and trust with your target audience.
Making the difference between a JUST web presence… TO a BRILLIANT one.

Web Hosting
This is one of the first and very important decision concerning your web presence.
Let us help you WITH your Web Hosting needs.

If you’re interested in being your own boss and selling products you are passionate about… something worth considering for your future development.

CSM Automation
Customs CMS platforms to automate your business processes.
Use a Web browser to login and have the full access.
The Skills
your first step in making
the difference

Art Micheline

Décor Gateaux Mtl.
A better solution
for all your Web based Applications
Be your own boss and sell products you are passionate about
Just open a Web browser and everything you need is at your fingertips
We can help you in making the difference
between a Just... to a BRILLIANT...
we have enjoyed working as leaders and a team players also.
You will find us a very hard work team who gains satisfaction from a work excellent done and a happy customer
How To

Create a Registration Page using Profile Builder plugin
How To – WordPress Login LogoutRegister Menuplugin Create a Registration Page using Profile Builder plugin. Allows front-end login, user registration and user profile edit by

Setup Google Captcha (reCAPTCHA) plugin
How To – WordPress Google Captcha (reCAPTCHA) plugin Google Catcha (reCAPTCHA) will protect your Word Press website forms against spam and yet allow real people

Setup Akismet Anti-Spam plugin
How To – WordPress Login LogoutRegister Menuplugin This plugin it is included under WordPress package installation. As it is already installed you DO NOT HAVE