How To - WordPress
select your
Hébergement Web

Are you straggling on HOW to select your Web Hosting providers ? Here are some facts you must be aware when will finally decide.
C'est l'une des premières et très importantes décisions concernant votre présence sur le Web.
Free hosting OR Payed hosting?
A lot of people choose to use a free web hosting solution.
Personally I do not recommend a free web hosting solution. This is my personal opinion and it is based on my experience working with some clients who were hosted on free accounts.
One more time .. I don’t debate others experience, I am speaking here about MY PERSONAL EXPERIENCE and what I believe will help you more in the future. I am saying “believe” because this is addressed in general, I don’t know exactly your needs your expectations and your future plans, but I can approximate them from my experience.
Having all this said, if you really think the free hosting is your call …. than go for it. I am here to advice and NOT to impose.
First step will be to define your hosting needs
• Storage space (fairly speaking 5Gb will be more that you will ever need).
There are two reasons you will exceed 5Gb:
– Your website is “TOO HEAVY” – images are too big, videos are saved on your website server (Ex: use YouTube instead) – OPTIMIZE your website CONTENT as soon as possible.
– Your input and comments are in the range of millions … that means you should be REALLY HAPPY and look forward for an update.
• Bandwidth
• Included Domain and Subdomain (most of people will not use this but there are cases when can be an important feature)
• Email accounts
• 30-day Money Back Guarantee
• Interface (panel) used to access your server
• Service Up time
• Software included with your hosting service
Please note that ALL UNLIMITED PLANS ARE subject to a limit.
Furthermore this applies to all hosting companies.
From MY PERSONAL experience Unlimited and Unmetered NOT NECESSARILY means BETTER.
If you use excessive resources then your account can be terminated or shut down.
This doesn’t mean you should worry. This limits are above average usage and consider being lucky to have to worry about these limits because that means you have a very successful website (millions of hits).
I can present you 100 technical terms and comparisons tables between different hosting companies and different plans. If you are only starting your web presence, definitely will take you another month to understand the meaning of all that terms, you will get bored even scared and maybe the next step will be to go and use a free hosting service … as a solution “FOR NOW”.
As i mentioned before .. that will not be my personal advice.
With the above in mind I will present two hosting companies what will fit your needs.
I did choose to make this selection because of my experience with them. That experience comes from the previous company I was working for. They were a Web and Graphic design company. I was with them for more than 10 years under the Web Development manager position. We hold our own hosting service
The companies listed below have good reviews, reliable services and a 24/7 customer service and what is more important you will have a reliable hosting service in regards for what you pay.
• Why I am offering Two? Because some of you like to have more than one option to choose from.
• Why I am NOT offering more that TWO? Because actually the more options to choose from, the more indecisive you will get.
The table below IS NOT A COMPARISON TABLE. The hosting companies are displayed ON ALPHABETICAL ORDER from left to right.
The Hosting Companies presented above (BlueHost and GreenGeeks) and the links related to them are affiliate links.
If you purchase via this links, it will <strong>credit me as your referrer</strong>. I am a professional web developer with more than 15 years experience. Each product is tested thoroughly and only the most suitable will be selected. I am independently owned, and the opinions expressed here are my own and PRESENTED TO YOU as an advice and not further less as a help.
Very important, Buying via this links doesn’t cost you more.
Please navigate to Moved By Web – How TO – section to find some more articles … helpful and worth reading.